Ottawa Valley Riverside Fun

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This summer we made our yearly summer trek across country lines to my northern homeland, the Ottawa Valley in Canada. The Ottawa Valley is home to the freestyle mecca and world class Ottawa River. This river tops my list for many reasons, the great waves, warm water, and family friendly beaches. Though for me it is more then just the epic river, it is the feeling of home, as this is whether I grew up, and learned to kayak, as well as the fact that I have a lot of family that live in the area. 

As for the kayaking, it doesn’t get much better, the waves are world class, and there is always something great to surf no matter the level. This summer I was able to get out on the water with my whole family as Emily and I took our kids out for some riverside adventures. 

Though one of the highlights of the trip was our riverside stay as we parked our Imagine Trailer at the actual takeout, making the River Run RV park my most ideal park in the whole Ottawa Valley. We were able to run the river and finish the day by paddling up to our Trailer. 

Check out some this quick video from our trip and maybe this will be next on your summer location hit list.