Full Time RV Downsizing Quick Tip

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Once we had settled on which RV we were going to buy, we wanted a way to figure out what would fit into the RV storage areas once we were ready to move in. It's one thing to have the measurements, but another thing to figure out what can go INTO those spaces.

We came up with this simple method, and it was a HUGE help! We simply made three dimensional tape outlines of each storage area. Then, as we gradually sold everything, we put our “take with us” items into those taped off areas. If it wasn't in one of those areas, then it had to GO! When the day came to move into our new home on wheels, we knew right where everything would fit!


Gojoenow's picture
 What about small washing machine , we bought one love it weighs 25 pounds, stores in shower and easy to wash clothes spin dry and hang ,drain into grey tank / or into black tank ,warm or cold soapy water ,very little ,help tanks keep clean???    
ChangingLanes's picture
We have stackables in our rig. They are both Splendide brand.  We DO like them a lot! Sure, they're not the giant LG's we had in our sticks and bricks, but they do a very good job and it's nice to be able to do our own laundry in our own home. Note: the dryer is vented to the outside. We've heard horror stories about non-vented combo units.  If interested, it's part of our tour here: https://youtu.be/naBT6x14J2c